Photo by Richard Davenport
Buy wrapping paper. Phone Barclays. Get batteries. Change bulb in bathroom. MUST do tax return TODAY. Put GREEN bin out. Transfer money into other account. Find little bank calculator thingy. Get petrol. Find keys. MUST find lead for printer. Buy external hard drive. RECEIPTS!!! Passport photo. Overdraft. Reference number. Tracking code. Socks. Sew button onto coat. Book train tickets. Handwashing. USB stick. Parking ticket. User name. Password. SET FIRE TO EVERYTHING.
Live music, frantic physicality and an enormous mess – RashDash and punk/rock band Not Now Bernard take on The To Do list.
An outdoor show commissioned by Lyric Hammersmith, Greenwich+Docklands International Festival, Imagine Watford and Latitude.
Created and performed by Abbi Greenland, Helen Goalen, Benny Brooke, Jonas Aaron and Paul Fitzgerald