Look At Me Don’t Look At Me
Photo by Sebastian Hinds
Rossetti wants you to know why he’s agreed to be here this evening but this is Lizzie’s night and she doesn’t think it matters. She’s been the quiet one with the stunning face for long enough.
Stunning doesn’t mean beautiful, it means something strange but that you still want to look at. No one said Stunning before Rossetti said Stunning.
Famous as a model and muse for the Pre-Raphaelite painters, but an artist and poet in her own right, Lizzie Siddal led a ‘tragic life’. She’s done being tragic.
A cabaret about love, art and legacy. Who has really suffered for our great art?
For enquiries or to book the live show, email us at info@rashdash.co.uk.
Written and performed by Abbi Greenland and Becky Wilkie
Director Helen Goalen Lighting Design and dramaturgy Katharine Williams Lighting Associate Jamie Platt Stage Manager Alicia White