Abbi Greenland
I am a theatre maker and performer. For me, theatre making combines activism with making art. Making a RashDash show means choosing or being chosen by a particular subject or problem that is political, social, cultural and then researching it - thinking and feeling my way in - to as deep a level as possible in the time we’ve given ourselves. During the process I write, devise, choreograph, improvise, facilitate, sing, listen, watch, PLAY.
As a performer I like to work really hard - I want to lose myself inside the physicality and musicality of the characters / ideas.
I am led by my instincts.
I am interested in form and challenging narrative conventions.
I want our work to be affecting and engaging, often entertaining, always complex and funny. I think art should be funny when it can be.
Our shows are best when they come about by accident in a playful and collaborative room full of creative people and costumes to play with.
I try try try to take my ego out if it as much as possible, and I like to work with other people who do the same.
I am very lucky to work with Helen and Becky who are wonderful and talented people.